Community Resources

Affected Public, Landowners and Businesses
We recognize the important role the public, landowners and residents play in maintaining the integrity of our pipelines and encourage you to partner with us. Working together, we can help ensure your safety and the safety of the community.
ONEOK's Commitment
- ONEOK will work with you when planning property improvements, such as building a deck or patio, installing a fence or planting trees. Contact our right-of-way agents at
- Our field representatives will respond promptly to your 811 call request and will mark the location of the pipeline on your property.
- ONEOK conducts routine pipeline inspections and ongoing maintenance and will notify you before any work commences on a pipeline on your property.
- ONEOK operations and maintenance personnel have field operation and maintenance procedures available 24/7 using DigiManuals. Following procedures is a key element to pipeline safety.
- Help to ensure the safety of the pipeline and the public by reporting any excavation, suspicious activities or pipeline release on or near the right of way.
We want to be of assistance.
- Contact ONEOK if you're planning any type of construction project or planting on or near the pipeline right of way.
- Whether you plan to do it yourself or hire a contractor, smart digging means dialing 811, the national “Call Before You Dig” phone number, at least three business days before starting any project. This free call can help protect you from physical harm resulting from damage to a buried pipeline or other underground utility.
- Help to ensure the safety of the pipeline and the public by reporting any excavation, suspicious activities or pipeline release on or near the right of way.
How You Can Help Protect Pipelines in Your Area
Know where pipelines in your community are located, what they transport and how to contact the operator if there is an emergency.
- Visit the National Pipeline Mapping System to view maps of transmission pipelines in your community and emergency contact information for operators. Contact local gathering and distribution operators directly regarding the location of their lines and emergency response numbers. You can also use the permanent pipeline markers to identify the general location of transmission and gathering lines and obtain emergency contact numbers for operators.
Report pipeline damage or dangerous activity near the pipeline to the pipeline operator.
- Call the pipeline operator if you see unauthorized excavation or other activities that could endanger a pipeline or aboveground pipeline facility. Call the operator if you notice that the pipeline is exposed due to erosion or excavation near the line. The operator’s emergency contact number will be listed on a pipeline marker near the line.
Follow best practices for safe excavation near pipelines and the state One-Call law.
- Excavation activity is the most common cause of pipeline damage. Always call 811 or contact your local One-Call center to have pipelines located and marked before starting your project. Refer to the “Know What’s Below” section on this page for more information about the One-Call process.
Learn more about safe excavation near pipelines:

Emergency Responders
City, county, state and federal agencies that could reasonably be expected to respond to an emergency.
Terminal Emergency Responder Guide
Emergency Response - Propane Butane

Public Officials
ONEOK’s local city, county and state officials and/or their staff having land use and street/road jurisdiction along the pipeline route.
Public officials are key customers to ONEOK. We welcome the opportunity to share information about pipeline construction activities and assisting those within your community understand the role pipelines play. Pipelines are the safest way to move natural gas and natural gas liquids products and ONEOK is proud of the innovative methods and technology used when constructing a pipeline.
ONEOK wants to share our pipeline safety message and welcomes the opportunity to attend meetings or meet with officials one-on-one.

School personnel working near ONEOK pipelines are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the pipeline's path and to develop safety and evacuation procedures in the event of a suspected pipeline leak or rupture.
ONEOK will meet with school districts, officials and students to provide pipeline safety information. We believe learning about pipeline safety can start at any age and the more educated children are about pipelines, they will carry the pipeline safety message home.
ONEOK can provide school kits and pipeline safety information including coloring books to help assist with the pipeline safety learning experience.

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Any operation using non-mechanical or mechanical equipment or explosive to move earth, rock or other material below existing grade.
Contact ONEOK if you're planning any type of construction project or planting on or near the pipeline right of way.
Whether you plan to do it yourself or hire a contractor, smart digging means dialing 811, the national “Call Before You Dig” phone number and following the state requirements for making the timely notification before starting any project. This free call can help protect you from physical harm resulting from damage to a buried pipeline or other underground utility.